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Attachment Parenting Breastfeeding Baby Products Review 2.5 hours Price/couple
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200 Singapore dollarsFormula Feeding Baby Hygiene & Bathing Diapering 2.5 hours Price/couple
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200 Singapore dollarsBaby Sleep Babywearing & Swaddling Movement Development Baby Safety 2.5 hours Price/couple
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200 Singapore dollarsThe most comprehensive hands-on class covering bottlefeeding, sleep, baby hygiene and baby safety
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300 Singapore dollarsIntroduction of solid food to babies via self-feeding of fingerfoods. 2 hours
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2 hr
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300 Singapore dollars
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500 Singapore dollarsEnded
650 Singapore dollarsEnded
500 Singapore dollarsEnded
650 Singapore dollarsEnded
500 Singapore dollarsEnded
650 Singapore dollars